Excellent and honest post from my buddy Joe Gilmore.

Resilient Health.

I’m hungover right now.

“You’re hungover!? A fitness coach, on a Thursday!?”

Yep. In all of my fitness superiority, telling others never to drink or eat bad foods or do anything except a strict routine of boredom and workout, I am hungover.

What’s the point of telling you this?

I made the choice last night (also my birthday-eve) to go out and drink with one of my best mates. Completely aware I would wake up feeling like this, completely aware that I have to work a solid 8 hours today as well as hit the gym; completely aware of the effects to my physical and emotional body.

When a person decides, usually on a Monday at work, that on the weekend they will go and drink 3 bottles of red and drown their awareness of the life they live, they usually do so without the awareness of the flow on…

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